What You Need to Know about the US-NK Singapore Summit

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US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) joined Tony Perkins on his nationally syndicated show, Washington Watch Weekend Edition, to discuss the summit between President Trump and North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un.

In the interview “Sen. Graham commented, ‘The biggest threat from North Korea having a bunch of nuclear weapons and missiles is that they will sell it to somebody who will use it. The only reason three thousand Americans died on 9/11, and not three million of us, is the terrorists couldn’t find a way to kill three million of us – and they would if they could. So, when I look throughout the world… at opportunities for terrorists to get nuclear material, weapons, or technology to hurt America, North Korea is on top of the list.’ Sen. Graham continued, ‘I applaud the President for reaching out to North Korea in a tough but win-win fashion. And time will tell as to whether or not this works.’”


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