Now You Have Your D-GAP
Armed with your D-GAP, you are now ready to start Soul Walking. Don’t carry your D-GAP too heavily. It is here to assist you and can be easily changed. However, it will take some work. That’s Karma! So, let’s begin to soul-walk down our earthly path.
After class one day, a student asked me what it meant to be a spiritual person. Someone she knows calls herself a spiritual person. I am going to try to answer her question. Spirituality is different from the body, the mind, and the soul, yet it is all three working together. Spirituality is the force that moves energy and causes life to exist.
A person is not spiritual. As humans, we are all walking the path of life because of the spiritual force of the universe. We call this prana or the force that gives rise to all of life. We are here with a body, a mind, and a soul working to undo some piece of karma.
The body is the vehicle. The mind is the GPS. The soul is the part of you that is beneath your body and behind the mind. Sometimes, you get a hunch, a feeling, or perhaps a quiet moment when you sense the nature of your soul. In that moment, you know you are touching something deeper within yourself. The soul holds your mission. The spirit initiates the process of discovery. Practicing karma yoga helps us initiate the process of discovering and mastering our mission.
Your soul has taken this body and this mind to complete the mission. You must discover the mission, get on the path, and walk with your soul. Most likely, anyone who says they are spiritual may mean they are soulfully walking the spiritual path one step at a time. They are not spiritual forces but begin to walk the path because of the spiritual force. You are a soul walking the spiritual path, not a spiritual being walking the soulful path. There is a difference. The soul is you. The spirit is the universal force.
When walking a particular path, you must take your time. Karma yoga teaches us that nothing comes instantaneously. Everything is a long learning process. So be patient and kind. Both will serve you well.
Everyone is soul-walking, whether they are conscious of it or not. We are all living out this life in our own fashion. Look for the moments of AHHH! These will lead you towards discovering life’s treasures and a prosperous life. Pay attention to the guidepost and work on your karma. Don’t worry about mastering anything. Just be open and aware. The gifts of prosperity are everywhere. Look for the time gates. When a positive one opens, step through it. Remember, we are all here and just trying to do our best. Respect everyone’s Soul Walk, but most of all, enjoy yours.
Namaste~ may you walk the path of life with health, happiness, and peace.
Doctor Lynn
For books, classes, consultations, and more http://www.doctorlynn.com
Doctor Lynn is a Naturopath, yoga nutrition therapist, fitness professional, karma master, published author, international speaker and video producer with over 40 years’ experience in the field of natural health and fitness. She has been featured in Redbook, Reader’s Digest, Huffington Post, Shape, SELF and various other national publications, TV networks and Podcasts. She is the author and producer of the Soul Walking series; Karma, Prosperity, Vitality and The Naturopathic Wellness Series; The Yoga of Nutrition and Recipes for Health, Sex, Happiness and Love; and Doctor Lynn’s Proactive-Aging Workouts; DVDs and TV with international distribution; CEC author, Burnout – it happens to all of us. Weekly Online zoom classes and therapy classes at SMH.
Website: http://www.doctorlynn.com
Blog: https://doctorlynnanderson.blogspot.com/
Podcast Guests profile: https://podcastguests.com/expert/doctorlynn/
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