In this information age, billions of people connect with each other using social media, chat rooms, online gaming and numerous applications. The Internet is a fantastic tool, however, with the ease of communication there comes a price, as strangers, sexual predators and bullies take advantage of technology to abuse children. We have a responsibility as parents to monitor and mentor our children, and the key is to have the necessary tools.
In her new book, Exposed: The Dangers of Social Media in the Digital Age; Elle West, details the risks unsuspecting children face today. Many children are incapable of protecting themselves from violence and exploitation, because the decision making and impulse control parts of their brain, aren’t fully developed. Also, many kids are not taught to be aware of the underlying threats posed by predators on the web. The essential factor in a child’s life is a parent who is actively involved. They need a window into their children’s online world by becoming aware and educating themselves.
West wrote “Exposed,” because everyone no matter their socioeconomic status or demographics are at risk. Predators hide in the shadows of the Internet.
The Dangers of Social Media include:
- Dangerous Apps/Livestreaming with strangers
- Cyberbullying
- Sexual exploitation/Sexting
- Predators/Pedophiles
- Addiciton to Pornography, Gaming and the Internet
- Human trafficking