The day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for plumbing and drain companies. Big meal preparation and kitchen cleanup create “the perfect storm” for plumbers who stay busy unclogging kitchen sinks, garbage disposals and toilets. Retailers call it Black Friday, but Roto-Rooter plumbers call it “Brown Friday” because of the sewage they are called upon to deal with.
Roto-Rooter, the world’s largest provider of plumbing repair and drain services, says “Brown Friday” is its busiest day of the year. Their customer calls increase by 50% over an average Friday and they see a 21% uptick in business over any other four-day weekend period during the year. “Holiday guests put a strain on the plumbing system because toilets are flushed more often and extra showers are taken. It all puts a strain on a home’s sewer and drain systems,” said Paul Abrams, spokesman for Roto-Rooter. “When the kitchen gets busy and the disposal starts receiving peelings, rice and oily turkey drippings, things can clog up fast,” he added.
Roto-Rooter will be fully staffed on Friday to deal with extra service calls. Virtually every Roto-Rooter service technician will be working on “Brown Friday,” saving customers from long waits.
To avoid a visit from the plumber over Thanksgiving weekend, follow these tips:
- Don’t pour fats or cooking oils down drains. They solidify in pipes and choke drains.
- Never put stringy, fibrous or starchy waste down the garbage disposal. Disposals can handle most scraps in small quantities but it’s best to toss food waste into the trash can.
- Make sure the disposal is running when you feed it food scraps.
- Don’t flush wet wipes down toilets. They won’t dissolve and will cause clogs.
- Place a plunger in guest bathrooms to save your guests the embarrassment of asking for one.
To learn more about Thanksgiving clogs, go here.
Founded in 1935, Roto-Rooter is the largest provider of plumbing and sewer & drain cleaning services in North America. Roto-Rooter also provides water damage cleanup services to both residential and commercial customers. Roto-Rooter operates businesses in more than 120 company owned locations and 500 independent franchise locations serving the U.S. and Canada. www.rotorooter.com/locations/
SOURCE Roto-Rooter