Company founder designed “Recently I…” to solve a key problem for his wife: How do we make searching the internet easier, maybe even fun?
New APP launched
“Recently I…(.com)” was developed in 2017 by Dale Schrodetzki, starting out in a spare bedroom he shared with his dog Boss. It was here, in the Silicon Valley suburb of Fremont, California, he set a goal to make searching the internet a simple task. A trouble-free way to help his wife navigate the web.
“I feel like I can never find what I’m looking for when I Search (the internet). Maybe that’s just me…this isn’t fun,” his wife said… many times.
The solution, the design, was to remove a user’s search-box input. Instead, prewrite the search strings. A user (his wife), now, simply Taps-to-Search by Topics, Brands-shop, Quick search, Travel, News, Sports, YouTube and Trending searches.
Recently I’s Tap-to-Search APP began with over 8,000 predefined, key search strings to help users fulfill their internet search.
Search choices have now expanded by 60% in the first few months of 2018. Layered subtopics: a user of the APP, can find their main topic, and tap or drill down to subtopics. | tap: engagement/ rings/ stone/ sapphire/
Share your Search – Social and Fun
Mobile users can share their search experiences, forwarding their results to friends and family by way of their messaging / text methods within their mobile* devices: Recently I… “found this new place to eat”, “… could use some help finding a new dress”, “… decided to finish my degree”, “… saw this amazing sunset”, … …
The “Recently I…” web-based, HTML5 platform is designed to operate an all mobile devices. Native APPs are scheduled for release in the Fall of 2018 | iOS, Android & Windows. *These APPs will include greater functionality and Social-User experiences, leveraging the unique operating systems of mobile devices.