Quick Winter Sales: How to Sell Your Home Fast

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If studies are to be believed, winter isn’t a great time to sell your home (October and December specifically).

However, sometimes these decisions are out of control and particularly at the moment, this is truer than ever before.

In truth, there is no magic formula which is going to spark a quick sale, regardless of the month you put your home on the market in. The following tips might give you a fighting chance though, allowing you to beat the odds and secure and unlikely winter house sale.

Light will be your best friend

As we all know, nothing quite beats natural light when it comes to selling a home. There are all sorts of tricks to enhance this, whether it’s placing mirrors in strategic positions, or even painting the walls in lighter tones.

When it comes to winter, this intensifies. As we all know, the days get shorter, and this can mean that prospective buyers wander into a house that feels utterly dull.

Try everything you can to change this. Keep any window furnishings open and keep the lights on.

Not only should this help your home sell faster, but it should also bring in more money, if some studies are to be believed.

Avoid the Christmas scents

One of the common tricks that a lot of buyers adopt are turning to Christmas scents. Granted, when the family are coming around, they are great. For occasions such as selling your home – they can have the opposite effect.

Sure, some people will fall head over heels with a room that smells of cinnamon. For others, it’s a step too far. Just like neutrally decorated homes are always advisable, making sure that that a home smells neutral is another step to take for a fast winter sale.

Bring nature indoors

Some families will hunt high and low for a home with a huge, glorious garden. This is why it can be typically difficult in winter; showing off the best parts of a garden can be challenging when many plants are not flourishing.

As such, take matters into your own hands. Turn to a brand like Avas Flowers and bring nature indoors. There are some excellent forms of inspiration on this Avas Flowers page, while the Avas Flowers shop is located at this URL.

Sure, you’re not want to bring bright, summer-like plants into your space, but the following can work perfectly at this time of year:

  • Azalea
  • Hyacinths
  • Poinsettia
  • Cymbidium

Invest in the cozy-factor

We may have spoken about natural light, but there’s a fine line in winter. You want your rooms to look large and airy, but without dropping the cozy-factor. Chances are, potential buyers have come in from the cold, and want a warm and inviting space that they can make their own.

Fortunately, this is one of those changes you can make without spending a small fortune. Turn to the likes of throws, cushions and even candles to bring a glimpse of warmth to your setting and provide the ultimate welcome to those important visitors.

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