It is a changing world today in employment. Everyone is having to quickly adapt to the new work world brought on by COVID-19 as well as other economic challenges for both business and individuals. It is truly a revolutionary time for changing jobs as new skill levels are required to facilitate the new workplace environment. Individuals are having to update their skillset and adapt their experience and resume in order to market themselves more effectively in this new world of employment. No one has had the luxury of waiting until the right time. The time is now and is urgent.
Recruitics, a global recruiting and marketing group, has recently announced on their website, info.recruitics.com, the 20 best books on recruiting marketing and employment. The books on their list are selected and highlighted to fast track individuals and businesses to the new emerging recruiting news in this ever-changing market today.
Kevin Price and The Price of Business is proud and excited that one of our regular contributors, Mary Ann Faremouth, is the author of one of the books on this impressive list of the 20 Best Books on Recruiting Marketing and Employment. She contributes a monthly podcast and a weekly column on The Price of Business citing the changing world of employment with invaluable information and advice on how to navigate through these difficult times for the greatest result. The Price of Business is on the cutting edge of bringing the most current information available to the market. Mary Ann‘s contributions do not fall short of delivering employment news on behalf of the Price of Business.
Mary Ann Faremouth is the author of “Revolutionary Recruiting,” a five-step method of a unique wholistic approach for people in challenging times in finding the right job. Her much-needed book was released in 2017 as a result of the author’s own tragic experience of having someone close to her in the wrong job and feeling not being able to help them. “Revolutionary Recruiting“ was born out of her more than 30 years experience as a respected and effective recruiter where she developed her own method of matching applicants and clients to the right job. She has helped applicants discover their unidentified skills in order to secure a job that would satisfy their needs, making them happy and increase their longevity at a company. She has also helped clients to perhaps alter what they thought they were looking for and find who they really need for a position.
There will be an accompanying sequel to “Revolutionary Recruiting“ to be released in October 2020 as a workbook designed to go in-depth and provide a personalized plan to discover the right career for each person. Both the original “Revolutionary Recruiting” and the new workbook are designed not for just employment but for every facet of one’s life. Both books are quite adaptable to finding the best version of one’s self with an easy plan to achieve success. They complement each other as they help one to remove limitations and emphasize potential by tapping into the bigger picture through self actualization and passion and discover a new world through boundless possibilities. Her writing reaches through the pages with her passion for life, enthusiasm, and trying to enrich the lives of others for a better today and tomorrow.
“Revolutionary Recruiting” has received four awards, including the Reader’s Choice Award in 2019 given by the Houston Literary Award. Mary Ann also writes articles for other national platforms and has been recognized for other fiction and nonfiction writing.
Mary Ann Faremouth is a National Recruiter, Author and Speaker, who resides in Houston and is a Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC). She is also a board member of NASPD (National Association of Steel Pipe Distributors) and Authors Marketing Guild.
Learn more about the book here. Learn more about Mary Ann Faremouth here.