Politicians Gather for Presidential Transition

Reading Time: < 1 minute

By National Press Club, Special for USDR

What will the Clinton and Trump transition teams need to accomplish to ensure the next president will be fully prepared to assume the reins of power next January? What are they already doing? How has the transition process changed as a result of cyber security threats and other concerns?

On Sept. 30 at 10 a.m., in the National Press Club’s Zenger Room, former White House chief of staff Thomas “Mack” McLarty and former executive director for the Bush-Cheney Presidential Transition Clay Johnson, joined by Partnership for Public Service President and CEO Max Stier, will discuss the unprecedented pre-election transition operations established by both candidates and the organizational challenges they face in event of victory in November.

Earlier this year the Partnership for Public Service launched the Center for Presidential Transition to assist presidential candidates and their transition teams, the outgoing administration and federal agencies navigate the transition process and to ensure that the next president will be ready to govern.

The National Press Club is located on the 13th Floor of the National Press Building, 529 14th St, NW, Washington, DC, 20045.

As with all Newsmaker events, this news conference is open to credentialed media and Press Club members, free of charge. No advance registration is required.

SOURCE National Press Club

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