The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has announced the production of an “alarming two-part series documenting the sudden rise of anti-Semitism on the left, including Democratic Party politics, the U.S. Congress, the LGBTQ community and the progressive Left.”
The series includes “never-before-seen interviews with progressive dissidents on the Left including Muslims who openly attack the leaders of the anti-Semitic movement. The series shows how the anti-Semitic Left has succeeded in inserting blatantly anti-Semitic issues—from BDS to anti-Zionism—into the established, progressive, Leftist agenda. The film highlights the bigotry of anti-Semitic national Women’s March leaders Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, as well as showcasing the courageous voices of progressive leaders like Nisi Jacobs (Founder – Women 4 All), Yasmine Mohammed (Author – Confessions of an Ex-Muslim), Hen Mazzig (Israeli Speaker and Advocate – Zig-Zag Initiative), Anila Ali (CEO – American Muslim Women’s Empowerment Council) and Debbie Hall (Freelance Journalist).”
The rise of anti-Semitism internationally has grown exponentially in recent years. Its infectious entry into the U.S. political system is a warning for us all.
On February 26 Part II will be released and will be found here.