“Migrant Invasion” is Exactly What GOP Needs for Midterm Elections

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Kevin Price, National News Editor, USADC.

If you watch the news about the massive influx of illegals to the United States — and read the US news stories covering it — you would think that this event is a harbinger of the demise of the GOP in this year’s midterm elections.  The reality is, this situation is actually exactly what the GOP needs to stay relevant.  The media believes that the government’s “harsh” response will turn off voters.  Maybe in polling, but not in reality.  I believe approximately one-third of all US voters are strong Trump supporters.  These same people continuously decry “fake news.”  It should be no surprise that many of those make sure the news is fake by saying they will vote one way and do something different in the privacy of a booth.  That is, after all, exactly what happened in 2016 as Trump won the election, in spite of polling painting a very different picture.

O’Rourke and other Democrats seem to have a serious disconnect when it comes to immigration.  Even US citizens from Latin American countries want strong borders.  They had to do the hard work of getting a US citizenship. 

Americans might say they hate to see the harsh treatment of illegals, but that does not mean they do not want strong borders and the discomfort that brings to others.  Congressman Beto O’Rourke’s (D-TX) upstart campaign for US Senate showed him neck and neck in the polls against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).  That is until Cruz’s campaign realized that a heavy focus on O’Rourke’s immigrant views (pro-“Dreamers,” hostile to ICE, etc.) would bring the Congressman down.  It has worked and has led to Cruz having as much as a 10 percent lead in the most recent polls. Nobody is projecting an O’Rourke win.  O’Rourke and other Democrats seem to have a serious disconnect when it comes to immigration.  Even US citizens from Latin American countries want strong borders.  They had to do the hard work of getting a US citizenship.  Why should others be allowed to “jump in line”?  Proof is in the pudding.  The last time anti-illegal immigrant candidate Dan Patrick (R-TX) ran for Lt. Governor of Texas, he received 53 percent of the male Hispanic vote.  These voters want their jobs and they do not want the value of their citizenship diluted by an influx of illegal aliens.  It is really common sense.  When it comes to politics, fear always trumps compassion.

The Daily Caller reports that:

“The Associated Press on Sunday changed a headline after a backlash from liberals furious at the AP for describing a caravan of illegal immigrants heading towards the United States as an ‘army of migrants.’

“’A ragged, growing army of migrants resumes march toward US,’ read the original headline on the AP story. The AP later changed the headline to replace the word ‘army’ with ‘caravan.’

Americans might say they hate to see the harsh treatment of illegals, but that does not mean they do not want strong borders and the discomfort that brings to others. 

“Though the AP has used the word ‘army’ to refer to large groups of people besides migrants — including nurses and political activists — many on the political left criticized the wire service for its original headline.”

The left knows such rhetoric is exactly the type of thing that enrages voters.  Protecting our country from invasion — military or civilian — is actually one of the few legitimate purposes of government.  Headlines about an “illegal mob” heading to our borders is red meat for Republicans and a potential deathblow for Democrats.

The left would have people believe that there is something uniquely hateful or jingoistic in Americans who worry about such an influx of illegal immigrants.  The truth is, self-preservation is natural to all living creatures, including humans.  The fear of an influx of illegals is universal and a worldwide phenomenon.  It is a driving force in the rise of conservatives (as well as the extreme Right) worldwide. Turning even one of the most liberal countries when it comes to compassion for immigrants — Germany — into one of the most hostile to such.

The media believes that the government’s “harsh” response will turn off voters.  Maybe in polling, but not in reality. 

Instead of seeing this mob heading to the US border as the heroes for progressives in the up coming election, people should wonder how this serendipitous opportunity arose for the GOP to become the savior for voters fearful of such an invasion.

Kevin Price is host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business radio show, syndicated columnist, and National News Editor at USA Daily Chronicles.

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