Media Should Use Price-Dozier Yardstick To Cover Personal Risk

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Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed David Dozier who is a leading media authority.

Regarding COVID-19, news consumers are numbed by a blizzard of facts and numbers. News media could provide consumers with a universal yardstick to assess risks from disease and other life threats. The same yardstick could be used to determine the quality of risk reduction steps. Businesses commonly conduct workplace risk assessments. This step-by-step process identifies risks, determines how likely they are to occur, the severity of such risks, and actions needed to reduce them. The media can help people apply the same process to their personal lives. The media need to use a universal yardstick for measuring all life-threatening risks. We offer the Price-Dozier Yardstick. What are your chances of being killed by lightning each year? (1 chance in 3.8 million.) Each year, what are your chances of dying in a car crash? (1 chance in 7,834.) In 2020, what was your chance of dying from COVID-19? (1 chance in 954.) Of course, COVID-19 risk varied by circumstances. Younger people working from home had a lower risk. Older people with underlying conditions had a higher risk. News media can show how much each preventive step reduces risk. Should I attend an indoor sporting event? Objectively, how much would that increase my risk of infection? The news media can help with that. Is watching the game “live” worth it? That’s something consumers decide subjectively. (See

The Price of Business is one of the longest running shows of its kind in the country and is in markets coast to coast. The Host, Kevin Price, is a multi-award winning author, broadcast journalist, and syndicated columnist. He is Editor at Large for this site.  Learn more about the show and its digital partners at

David Dozier ( is the author of the novel, The California Killing Field. He is a professor emeritus in the School of Journalism & Media Studies, San Diego State University. He’s an internationally recognized expert on communication management and public relations.

According to USA Business Radio, “David Dozier is a scholar of public relations and communication management, professor emeritus in the School of Journalism & Media Studies at San Diego State University, and author of The California Killing Field. He says fake news has become a phenomenon, political campaigns use the tactic to influence voters, and that it’s perplexing that a conspiracy-based group such as QAnon has gained national attention.

Kevin Price and David Dozier are doing a multi-part series on this important topic that will be on many different platforms, as well as on radio. Keep an eye out for the series throughout the Price of Business Digital Network and USA Business Radio.


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