More and more, technology is changing the way we do business. Today we can gain access to prospects simply by capturing an incoming caller’s cell phone number.
Here’s an example:
a company named LiveComm.com http://1000houses.com/text is ready, willing, and able to sell you some very special phone numbers. Not only are these phone numbers local, but they also come to you with a text distribution list attached to them.
Whenever your special phone number is called from a prospect using a cell phone, LiveComm captures that incoming caller’s cell phone number and places that number into a text distribution list.
Now you have the ability to call your prospects individually, or you can text everyone who has call your LiveComm number in mass!
Imagine being able to call or text every person that ever called your business! Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Do you have a sales team? LiveComm numbers can be forwarded to ring on up to 8 numbers at once!
Would you like to track the success of your ads? LiveComm can show you what ads are producing calls and how many prospects called you from each ad. Just use a LiveComm phone number in your ads!
Want to talk about lead generation? A local Realtor posted signs advertising a “FREE LIST of OWNER FINANCED HOMES” and a LiveComm phone number to call. Within minutes the phone numbers were piling up in a text distribution list. By the end of the day there were 150+ leads to follow up on!
This technology can work for all types of businesses and it works 24/7 and there are many features you’ll want to know about;
- The “Hello” feature automatically sends out your custom “Hello Text” when the
system recognized a first time caller!
- Pre-scheduled text messages can be set to go out in the future, on a specific date
and time.
- You can forward your LiveComm phone number to a recorded message you
create within the system.
- “Instant Call Connect” lets you know via text when a prospect is listening to a specific recording and gives you the caller’s phone number so you can call them while they’re engaged. How awesome is that? !!!!
Almost every business can use a LiveComm number or two. The lead generation is undeniable and the upside can be huge!
To learn more about pricing or how to use this new technology, go to LiveComm.com
and watch the four minute video on the home page …or call for a recorded message at
This will change the way you do business!
–Mitch Stephen–