Lessons Learned Through Surviving Stage IV Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series. 


Jennifer Greenhut Tollin

Once you love your hell, you will be in heaven. Jennifer Greenhut has learned that we all have choices in how we perceive our situation. This is true whether you’re receiving a stage IV cancer diagnosis or going through a breakup, divorce, or career change. Choosing gratitude and love for every adversity will empower and allow you to benefit from life-changing lessons along the way. Jenn was cancer-free four months after her diagnosis. Soon after, she founded her company Zero Negative as a way to share all the lessons she learned about the importance of self-love as an ingredient for healing. Zero Negative’s mission is to spread love through accessories that give back to cancer research at UCLA’s Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation. In addition, she also wrote a book with her husband, Larry Tollin, called Everyone Needs a Larry. Told from both the patient and caregiver perspectives, Everyone Needs a Larry is a he-said-she-said quirky and humorous survival story that shares the mistakes, lessons, challenges, and joys of a couple fumbling their way through love, marriage, and cancer. Whether you face the challenge of cancer or another adversity, Jenn and Larry demonstrate how our scariest times have the possibility to become our greatest chapters. Life is about sharing stories, healing ourselves, and helping others, and now on the other side of cancer, Jenn believes you will always win at life once you LOVE who you are and the challenges that come with being you.

 Find out more at www.ShopZeroNegative.com or get the book Everyone Needs Larry at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YDZSPBT/


Source- https://podcastguests.com/expert/jenngreenhut/

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