Leading House Republicans Discuss USMCA Agreement

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Today, the leading Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) and the top Republican on the Trade Subcommittee Vern Buchanan (R-FL) released the following statements after President Trump and Congress reached an agreement on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA):

President Trump and Amb. Lighthizer have fought hard and delivered on their promise for a pro-growth and modern trade pact with our North American neighbors, after much delay by Democrats. Now it’s time for the U.S. Congress to pass USMCA as soon as possible, without further delay, to unlock the benefits of this agreement for U.S. workers, farmers, tech workers, and our local businesses. This agreement means new jobs, more customers for Made-in-America goods, and a stronger economy,” said Rep. Brady.

International trade is critical to my home state of Florida, where exports and imports support 2.3 million jobs,” Rep. Buchanan said. “Leveling the playing field for Florida and the rest of the nation, as well as increasing access to foreign markets, is essential to growing the U.S. economy and creating good-paying jobs.”

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