Leading Hospitals and Health Systems Agree to use xG Intelligent Care Management

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xG Health Solutions®, a leading care management, clinical content, and actionable analytics company powered by Geisinger’s proven methods, is pleased to announce that a number of leading hospitals and health systems have signed agreements to use xG Intelligent Care Management™ in Epic’s Healthy Planet. xG’s industry-leading care management content includes comprehensive and condition-specific assessments that automatically suggest care plans with patient-specific goals for commercial, Medicare, and Medicaid lines of business.

In 2018, xG Intelligent Care Management became available in Epic’s Healthy Planet.  Among the healthcare providers who have licensed the content are: UCHealth (Colorado), Catholic Health Services of Long Island, Driscoll Health Plan (TX), Legacy Health, and Southcoast Health Network. In addition to providing clinical content, xG will also be working with select organizations to drive quality measures and optimize clinical workflows within Healthy Planet.

“We chose xG Intelligent Care Management because of the evidence-based clinical content, breadth of assessments, its ability to satisfy NCQA/PCMH requirements, as well as its native integration into Epic’s Healthy Planet population health platform,” said Deborah Allwes Largoza, BSN, RN, MPH, Vice President of Operations at Southcoast Health Network.

xG Intelligent Care Management™ can be loaded into Healthy Planet on an automated basis and becomes embedded in care manager workflows in both Hyperspace and the Healthy Planet Link portal. Healthy Planet suggests appropriate assessments based on the patient’s clinical condition. Results from the assessments activate Best Practice advisories for interventions. In Hyperspace, the system also suggests goals and tasks for the patient’s care plan.

Said xG Health Chief Executive Officer Earl P. Steinberg, MD, MPP, “Evidence-based care management content is essential for the delivery of reliable, high quality population health services. Our care management content, available in leading EMRs, including Epic’s Healthy Planet, enables organizations to ensure that their care managers are following with up-to-date, best clinical practices to optimize patient outcomes as well as provider organizations’ quality scores.”

About xG Health Solutions

With roots in Geisinger — one of America’s most innovative and successful integrated delivery systems — xG Health Solutions® enables healthcare organizations to optimize clinical and value-based performance through proven care redesign and management, actionable analytics, and industry-leading content. Our team of clinically-led experts and our solutions accelerate and sustain value transformation.

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