How To Do Business Taxes and Licenses

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The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series. 

Recently Kathy McClain with McClain Bookkeeping provided some important insights on leveraging one’s bookkeeping.

“I opened my bookkeeping business with the mindset of helping small business owners be able to not only make money but to also know how to be compliant with government requirements. I’ve heard so many times, “I know my skill for my business but have no business skill”. Federal estimated taxes are done quarterly, sales taxes are a completely separate entity also done quarterly. These are essential to running a successful business. I’ve done bookkeeping for over 10 years and opened my business in November 2021. 940-886-7092″



The Price of Business is one of the longest running shows of its kind in the country and is in markets coast to coast. The Host, Kevin Price, is a multi-award winning author, broadcast journalist, and syndicated columnist. Learn more about the show and its digital partners at (scroll down to the bottom of the page).

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