Fallout from the 2008 World Financial Crisis that Reverberates to this Day

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By Terre Blair Productions LLC, Special for USDR

The second episode of Bloomberg Television’s new global issues series Big Problems. Big Thinkers with Terre Blair airs tonight at 8 pm EDT (www.bloomberg.com/bpbt).  Episode 2: Economic Threats examines the fallout from the 2008 world financial crisis that reverberates to this day, asking if we have made the kinds of deep change needed to mitigate the next market shock.  Episode 1 dealt with Climate Change.

Big Problems. Big Thinkers, presented by Bloomberg TV, features acclaimed journalist Terre Blair interviewing an extraordinary group of leaders to find solutions to some of the most urgent challenges facing humanity: global climate change, financial mayhem, nuclear attacks, cyber threats, political paralysis. Blair asks Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, Madeleine Albright, and others if a framework of ethics and values can help solve these grave threats to our future. What she discovers is sobering, thought-provoking, and ultimately, hopeful.  The series is sponsored by CISCO.  September episodes include:

Episode 1: Global Climate  Change
Climate change is now recognized across the globe as a threat to our future. Terre Blair asks: Do we have the will to act on the solutions at hand?
Available online

Episode 2: Economic  Threats
Terre Blair examines the fallout from the 2008 world financial crisis that reverberates to this day, asking if we have made the kinds of deep change needed to mitigate the next market shock?
Sept 21 – Available online around 10am, premiering on TV at 8pm

Episode 3: The Values  Crisis
As some economies become ever more successful–and others are left farther behind–Terre Blair explores the question of whether it’s time to redefine the nature of success, of life truly well-lived.
Sept 28th – Available online around 10am, premiering on TV at  8pm

To view episodes online, see: www.bloomberg.com/bpbt or Big Problems/Big Thinkers @bloombergtv and @business.

SOURCE Terre Blair Productions LLC

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