In response to President Donald Trump’s address to the nation on immigration and border security issues, members of the Project 21 black leadership network are supporting strong enforcement policies intended to stop the unfair strain on public services caused by illegal immigration a strain that disproportionately impacts black communities.
“President Trump laid out a clear case for why we need to secure our southern border,” said Project 21 member Emery McClendon. “Liberals are allowing the government shutdown to overshadow a very serious problem. That problem is illegal immigration. At some point, we must address this problem lest America cease to be a sovereign nation.”
In what he termed a “growing humanitarian and security crisis,” President Trump said “all Americans hurt” from uncontrolled immigration. But he specifically noted that blacks and Hispanics are especially hurt by the influx of non-citizens into their communities.
Project 21’s “Blueprint for a Better Deal for Black America,” the organization’s 57-point plan for removing barriers blocking blacks from empowerment and ensuring they have their chance of attaining the American dream, contains four specific recommendations to deal with illegal immigration:
- Bar illegal aliens from accessing any public services, except emergency services.
- Terminate federal funding of any social service agency that provides non-emergency services to illegal immigrants.
- Prosecute providers and recipients who allow scarce federally-funded social services to be used by those who are in the country illegally.
- End states’ special programs for assisting unlawful immigrants, redirecting those funds to needy citizens.
“Countless numbers of people are illegally streaming across our southern border, causing a strain on public services and making a mockery of our immigration laws. It’s a crisis that cannot be ignored. We need a strategy to stop it,” said Project 21 Co-Chairman Horace Cooper. “Some sort of barrier to entry is good, but seeing how needy Americans are forced to unfairly compete for services that they pay for Project 21 recommends the additional steps of prohibiting those here illegally from accessing non-emergency public services and prosecuting those who break those rules.”
Illegal immigration costs taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level, according to figures from the Federation for American Immigration Reform. About $84 billion is absorbed by state and local governments that mostly derive funding through taxes on property, sales and income. Black citizens pay their share of these taxes. In its Blueprint, Project 21 notes that government programs funded through these taxes are then reduced or unavailable to black Americans in too many communities due to illegal residents taking advantage of them.
“Illegal immigrants costs Americans well over $100 billion a year while simultaneously reducing income and opportunity for lower-income citizens. It also floods their communities with illicit drugs and gang members,” said Nicole Bennett. “A physical barrier, additional agents, judges and humanitarian aid at our southern border means America can use the resources currently allocated to assist illegal immigrants to help our own citizens reach their fullest potential.”
“I feel President Trump made a gripping and compelling plea about the need for comprehensive security on our southern border. It is imperative to address those who want to do harm to the United States and its citizens and to recognize that we have a porous barrier through which they cross and disappear,” said Project 21 member Marie Fisher-Wyrick. “Not everyone who comes through wishes to do harm, and many only want a better life. But it’s clear they can come through and disappear among our citizens and exploit our laws. While we need thorough reform to our immigration system, Congress must act now to fund physical border security. It is time for Congress to do its job and work for America.”
“President Trump stuck to the facts and presented a compelling case. The liberal response focused on emotion,” said Project 21 member Adrian Norman. “The truth about the damage caused by illegal immigration is unassailable. And that damage affects all communities. Protecting our border, stopping the flow of drugs into the country and eliminating human trafficking should be non-partisan issues.”