By the Price of Business Show, Hosted by Kevin Price. The Price of Business is a media partner of this site.
Kevin Price, host of The Price of Business recently interviewed Loretta Schoen, author of the book, Surviving Medical Mayhem – Laughing When It Hurts. Loretta has personally walked through her own major medical issues including cancer and heart disease and been a primary health advocate for others. Now, she shares her experience and insights in her new book.
Kevin and Loretta discussed the incredible healing power of 3 vital prescriptions to restoring your health: knowledge, humor and faith. These three “miracles medicines” can make all the difference in how you navigate the mayhem of medical adversity and help you walk through this journey with more joy, confidence and peace. Healthcare is an industry and as such you are the consumer. If you don’t like the product she encourages you to seek service elsewhere. Learn everything you can about how to navigate the medical minefields and specifically your disease or illness. Using faith and prayer to light the way, and humor to cushion the pain one can gain a higher perspective to more easily manage the outbreaks and medical crises. Loretta advocates being in an equal partnership with your physicians, seeking second opinions when needed and keeping your own medical record.
When living in the foreign land of medical care one can find themselves overwhelmed and frightened. Her book, Surviving Medical Mayhem-Laughing When It Hurts explores, educates and empowers the reader to manage the medical maze with confidence, joy and peace by growing knowledge, faith and a funny bone! These are parts of the suit of armor needed to survive and even thrive through medical adversity.
Loretta Schoen blogs on all things medical and has additional free resources at www.SurvivingMedicalMayhem.com. She also conducts workshops and is available as a patient advocate.