George HW Bush has passed away and the nation — and world — are in mourning.
A man who came to power at a very important time in US history is being honored for making significant contributions in an incredibly short period of time. The fall of Communism, which he was President of the United States at that time, happened without a single shot fired, largely to his stewardship in that situation. Avoiding the temptation to pound his chest and instead affirming Communist leaders for showing restraint, allowed them to have this transition happen without violence.
President Trump has gone to lengths in honoring this President, calling for the US flag to fly at half mast for 30 days, offering Blair House to the Bush family, and being a gracious host. Often maligned by the media, Trump has gotten high marks for his action during these important days.
The images from the even have been touching. One time political enemy, Robert Doe — also a part of the Greatest Generation — provided a touching moment. Long confined to a wheel chair, this moment will be among the highlights. People will not Dole used “the wrong hand” in saluting. The former Senator and one time GOP nominee for President, lost use of his right hand in a serious injury during World War II.