Will the Future President Support Precision Medicine?

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By Terrapinn Inc., Special for USDR

The following is an open letter from World Precision Medicine Congress USA 2016 / Terrapin nInc.

Dear Future President of the United  States,

Imagine: you could go down in history as the President who cured cancer – or at least paved the way. You are inheriting a scientific burden of expectation unlike any modern President before  you.

There is no mistaking that you will have tremendous responsibility when you walk into the White House. Foreign policy, economic policy – you will be walking into a veritable storm of quick decisions that will impact the world.

Nowhere is this more important – or timely – than healthcare.

The fate of the fledgling Precision Medicine Initiative, giving hope to millions of Americas that they could witness the end of hundreds of diseases in their lifetimes, rests solely on your shoulders. The pharmaceutical, insurance and healthcare IT industries are waiting to see who you will be and what you will do.

What do you need to know about Precision  Medicine?

Precision Medicine has the potential to cure millions of Americans by helping drug companies attack the cause of a disease, not just the symptoms – all based on our DNA.

Precision Medicine combines healthcare and technology, two of the biggest segments of the US economy – generating innovative jobs that benefit millions across the country.

Precision Medicine is preventative: it can bring down healthcare costs by bringing transparency to how and when people will get sick – meaning people get treatment or indeed prevention sooner.

This is not a dream. It is a reality.

  • Patients have already seen a 30% reduction in regrowth of tumors when they are getting proper treatment due to their genomes being mapped.*
  • Researchers have already identified genetic markers across several forms of cancer, giving us the chance to sort tumors by mutation not just by location in the body.
  • Increasing synchronization between healthcare and software has already changed how patients interact with their physicians and track their own health

Mister or Madam President, everything described above is happening now. The only way to ensure it continues and grows is with your support. Millions of lives are in your hands.

Together we’re stronger. Let’s make healthcare great again.

View the full letter  here>>

Help us climb that Hill and Trump Cancer. Share the letter now to #PMedUSA

SOURCE Terrapinn Inc.

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